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Our Focus

Ben Milam Elementary School offers a small campus setting focused on the development ​of children as Leaders of Their Own Learning. Formerly an Assessment for Learning (AFL) Demonstration School, Ben Milam is building upon its AFL foundation by working toward a Visible Learning accreditation with principles of teaching that promote agency, equity, and academic achievement--including the focus on student Learner Dispositions and educator Leader Mindframes. 

Our campus Learner Dispositions were developed using student data to target specific instructional needs and mindsets of our diverse population and serve to develop scholars that: Take Ownership of their Learning, are Independent, can Work Collaboratively, Embrace Challenges, and are Reflective of their own Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions. Similarly, our campus Leader Mindframes promote teachers and staff that are evaluators of their own impact on student learning and view student performance as feedback on their own teaching to guide their next instructional steps. Ben Milam’s dedicated, passionate teachers are committed to nurturing and educating students to reach their full potential by believing that all students and teachers can improve when provided trusting learning environments where mistakes and risk-taking are considered integral to the learning process. 

Enthusiastic and eager to learn, our students begin each morning by reciting the Ben Milam Pledge, a campus-wide promise to do their best each day and to respect their parents, teachers, classmates, and themselves. Parents and local residents play an integral role in our school’s commitment to excellence. By volunteering for special school events, supporting teachers and encouraging each student to reach his or her academic goals, their support helps create not just a school but a community.